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Go Live Cutover Plan

Go Live Support

When it’s time to go live, you want everything to run smoothly from the word “go”. As the network cabling specialists, we’re standing by to help you with whatever you need to start up your new network flawlessly.

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Why Choose Wired?

Certified Test Results

One of the reasons we’re so confident in the quality of our work is because of our thorough testing process, rooted in TIA standards. At the end of each job, we share those results with you for your records.

Manufacturer Warranty

As part of our commitment to quality, we only use materials sourced from American manufacturers and distributors, and we offer a minimum 1-year warranty on our work and the products we use.


Once all of the work is completed, we always provide accurate as-built drawings of our portion of the work, giving you the flexibility to upgrade your system in the future without having to rely on guesswork.

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Executing a cutover to a new network takes tight coordination between all the parties involved. Call our team today to get the expert support you need to make a flawless transition to your new network.